“You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.”- G.K. Chesterton

One of my favorite activities is called apologetics.  This is a technical term for “explaining the faith to those who do not yet share your faith.”  It is a gratifying experience when someone’s “intellectual light bulb” goes on and they say, “That makes sense.”  Or even, “I need to give it some more thought.” Although I try to offer proofs or evidences for what I believe, being as logical as I am able to be; truth is not a matter of overwhelming logic.  Reason is not the sole bridge to faith and understanding.

Finding truth also requires experience.  In fact, the accumulation and acceptance of information that leads to a faith commitment does not depend on clever argument or even the knowledge of the apologist.  Faith quite often is born from an encounter that defies logic, but is so powerful that a person is compelled to explore it more deeply.

In John 9 we read the story of a man who has been blind since birth who is healed by Jesus.  When the spiritual logicians/rationalists demand a detailed explanation of a reality that even they can see before them, the man simply replies, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”   (v 35)  These men considered Jesus to be a sinner, yet the man knew he had experienced the healing power of God.
This does not mean that having faith is irrational and devoid of a clear explanation.  Faith is not unreasonable.  But if you require indisputable answers before you place your faith in God; you may wait a long time.  The true “facts” of faith are best discerned by those who have made that step of faith that helps them see their world and their lives through eyes of faith.

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